Show HN: Open-source app builder for comfy workflows

57 points by gbieler 3 days ago

Hey, we’ve been working on an open-source project built on top of Comfy for the last few weeks. It is still very much a work in progress, but I think it is at a place where it could start to be useful. The idea is that you can turn a workflow into a web app with an easy-to-use UI.

Currently, it should work with any workflows that take images and text as input and return images. We are aiming to add video support over the next few days.

Feedback and contributions are more than welcome!

FinalDestiny 3 days ago

Nice to see new things. Does your team know about SwarmUI[1]?

SwarmUI has been nice for sharing workflows with friends who might not want to learn ComfyUI, they can type in a prompt or any other config exposed in the workflow and even upload image input. It’s pretty good.

I would still like to see a web interface for workflows that is more so built for indie hackers. I’d like to see a Next.js frontend that calls ComfyUI on a server, it has a specific workflow configured for that app, and the server could be reused for another Next.js frontend, all that needs to change is the workflow. Letting you create multiple web apps with 1 Comfy backend.

Will keep tabs on viewcomfy, good luck!



  • gbieler 3 days ago

    Hey, thanks for sharing! I used it before and it is indeed useful for that kind of use case.

    Like you said, there seems to be a gap between people who can use Comfy as a development tool and workflows' target users. The idea is to develop a set of tools to help bridge that gap.

  • jjdelannoy 3 days ago

    we will keep you posted, thanks for the comment

vnjxk 3 days ago

This is very useful! Is it cloning and running comfy under the hood? There is also Comfy serving toolkit [1] but it's mostly focused on things like discord and telegram, the http support is very minimal



  • gbieler 3 days ago

    Yes, that's it. If you have Comfy already installed, it will run off that. Otherwise, currently, you need to install it manually beforehand.

satvikpendem 2 days ago

Didn't I hear something about the ComfyUI creator stopping work on it?