leshokunin 3 days ago

"Please note - it will use about 5-6 GB of ram and take a while to load since it's a very large circuit file."

I love it. So absurd. 200 years from now people will be running Doom on artificial black holes or programmable matter and the readmes will be pretty much the same.

  • anthk 3 days ago

    Meanwhile, you can run the Z-Machine, at least up to v3 games (most of Infocom games) under a PostScript interpreter like PostScript.

    So, it might run under 1GB or ram and less.

    • stevekemp 2 days ago

      The Z-machine could run under 64k or RAM, or less, back in the day.

      1GB is probably more than you'd need to store all the Infocom releases!

      • glimshe a day ago

        All Infocom releases PLUS all scanned manuals and Invisiclues...

      • anthk 2 days ago

        I know, there are even ports for the original Game Boy (not even the Color, the less powerful B/W one). I ran Calypso and Tristam Island on these as an experiment.

        But I meant 1GB for the quantum computer OFC.

        • leshokunin a day ago

          I've never seen the GB port. Are you sure? A quick google didn't return anything.

Strilanc 2 days ago

The interesting part of this project is compiling doom into a weird target architecture: a .qasm circuit file. This requires you to do things like decompose additions into TOFFOLI gates. But the code in the repo doesn't include that part, it only includes the code for interpreting the circuit and the produced qasm file.

The author is aware of this (from the readme):

> For now I'm still tidying up the engine code, but basically I have about 8,000 lines of c++ functions allowing a number of reversible binary and arithmetic operations on quantum registers, for example "flipIfLessThanOrEqualTo" which flips all qubits in a register if the value of another register is less than some given value. Everything is done with integers.

Kinda ironic they left out the most interesting part.

Given that there's only 174 qubytes of storage (72376 qubits total - 6986 qubits ancilla - 64Kqb screen) it's clear that almost the entire world state is in the series of gates rather than in qubits. So, like, the wall locations are probably implicit in the series of instructions rather than being data-driven, so you wouldn't be able to make a wall that was in a superposition of two places. It would be interesting if the author said what specifically was in the qubits; I'd imagine it's probably things like health/ammo/position/enemyposition but an explicit list would be good.

They say this is a reimplementation of Doom, as opposed to a cross compilation. That makes sense to me. For example, I doubt there's anything like a tree data structure anywhere in the rendering, since that stuff doesn't really translate from programs to circuits. Tree structures work efficiently around the fetch-decode-execute bottleneck, but circuits lack that bottleneck. Also, a "true" quantum implementation of the rendering would struggle to do any kind of truncation of what to render since the camera position can be in superposition. Frustrum culling would implicitly measure the position of the camera, preventing some potential interference effects, and so would be an approximation instead of a pure optimization.

From a high level view there's not much point in allowing most of doom's state to be in superposition, since constantly rendering them to the screen measures them preventing interesting interference effects. You could maybe make it so that enemies in rooms not being rendered were undergoing a quantum walk, so their positions behaved sort of analogous to an electron in a potential well. So entering the room at different times would result in different distributions of positions.

  • inhumantsar a day ago

    > You could maybe make it so that enemies in rooms not being rendered were undergoing a quantum walk, so their positions behaved sort of analogous to an electron in a potential well. So entering the room at different times would result in different distributions of positions.

    I look forward to the day Nintendo sues a student for their quantum pokemon clone

  • kqr 2 days ago

    > Given that there's only 174 qubytes of storage (72376 qubits total - 6986 qubits ancilla - 64Kqb screen) it's clear that almost the entire world state is in the series of gates rather than in qubits. So, like, the wall locations are probably implicit in the series of instructions rather than being data-driven, so you wouldn't be able to make a wall that was in a superposition of two places.

    I'm also wondering how much of the computation is really ... quantum? I.e. is anything in superposition, phase shifted, entangled, etc.?

    This looks to me like it's entirely relying on reversible classical logic gates. Impressive! But not quantum computing on its own.

    • pyinstallwoes a day ago

      Well, certainly, no computation has ever been quantum in nature or concrete reality.

      I guess it’s fun to imagine or simulate though.

  • sim7c00 a day ago

    cyberdemons in superposition? no thanks :O

jidar 3 days ago

I both have and have not beaten quandoom.

  • Dilettante_ 3 days ago

    Pics or it is in a super-position of happened/didn't happen

  • 7bit 2 days ago

    I think the correct quantum name would be: woop

  • gsck 2 days ago

    "No Fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!"

theginger 3 days ago

I was all on board until I saw the video. Black and white! Has this been designed for a quantum gameboy? I don't think you can claim this to be truly useful until you've achieved 8 bit colour depth.

  • toast0 2 days ago

    Gameboy wasn't black and white, it was a mushy greenish gray. Thank you very much. I've seen some nice monochrome screens with 8-bit depth, but the Gameboy was only 2-bits. Maybe you could do some time based dithering...

  • philjackson 2 days ago

    Quantum CGA will be mind-blowing.

    • nunobrito 2 days ago

      Including Quantum Sound Blaster™

  • inhumantsar a day ago

    pfft gameboy, this was clearly designed to run on a quantum virtualboy

bmacho 3 days ago

What is all the "reversibility" the readme is talking about? How are non x-ray walls, reversibility and quantum connected?

  • sakras 3 days ago

    Basically, quantum gates are mathematically represented as multiplying your state by unitary matrices. Unitary matrices are ones where their inverse is their own conjugate transpose (i.e. XX*=I). Since each gate has an inverse, for any computation you can reverse it (in other words find a circuit that recovers the inputs from the outputs).

    In practice this means that you sometimes have to keep around extra bits called Ancilla bits that just contain garbage, but are necessary for reversibility.

    • bmacho 2 days ago

      So by 'reversibility' they mean that good graphics would require too much memory (bc quantum can't reuse memory as traditional computers do), and we don't have the resources for that yet.

    • pyrolistical 2 days ago

      But what does this have to do with it being xray?

      • kqr 2 days ago

        Layman speculating, but wouldn't occlusion throw away visual data? Discarding data is disallowed because it breaks reversibility.

        Though I'm not sure about this becuase I would guess the current implementation also discards data where wireframes intersect.

  • aardvark179 3 days ago

    Generally all quantum computing operations have to be reversible at the gate level, so you can’t have a simple thing like an AND gate, and this can make things more complex. As you either need to put some out put to a qubit you don’t care about, or find some other way to handle it.

pjmlp 2 days ago

I know that it is only the early days of quantum, and this is already a marvellous achievement given the current state of the technology, however I wonder how well a quantum computer will eventually be able to render a ray tracing version.

lenerdenator 3 days ago

If something opens up a portal to hell, it's gonna be this.

bawolff 2 days ago

Quantum computers are a superset of normal computers, so im not sure what the fuss is here.

  • thrance 2 days ago

    Getting your quantum computer to do a classical task (and actually simulating it) is far from easy.

  • djha-skin 2 days ago

    This is not strictly correct.

    Quantum computers can do some things normal computers can't, but the reverse is also true.

    • ttshaw1 2 days ago

      I don't think that's true. What's your example? As far as I know any operation on a classical computer can be emulated on a quantum computer in some short amount of time; constant time, maybe.

    • sim7c00 a day ago

      i think essentially it's translating from classical logic gates operations to these weird gate types they have on quantum computers. This atleast, i think, is what 'compilers' do which target quantum computers or simulations.


      There's a few types, and I imagine most things can be translated between them.

      I think the most things are possible between the two, either will just be faster / more optimized for certain things, so it's less ideal to pick one or the other depending on what you're doing.

leonewton253 a day ago

70,000 Qubits to run. That's the ballpark number to break RSA encryption!

srbhr 3 days ago

I really like these doom ports. As if they've become a standard to learn, try something new and let others test it out. We had entirely AI generated DOOM and now DOOM for quantum computer. Maybe let's try a Doom in Go which is fully CLI? :-)

ranger_danger 2 days ago

the most important file (the .qasm) is missing from the repo...

  • reikonomusha 2 days ago

    The most important code would be that which generated the .qasm file. That's not included in the repo, just the "compiled" result and a little program to run it. The code generator will look like a conventional C++ program that turns geometry operations (like line drawing) into subroutines which are written out to the .qasm file. There's no point to commit generated code to the repo.

    The .qasm file can be found in the downloads/releases section.