I have a deep appreciation of these hardware topics -- the sheer ability to squeeze out extra performance and implement features at such a low-level with such little hardware, beyond the initial scope of its creators, really conveys a sense of elegance and planning that seems lost in our current world of brute-force methods
Not OP, but I’ve dabbled in nRF91 recently and found that once your application starts doing anything interesting (MCUboot, OTA, softSIM, etc.) the code size explodes. It is particularly difficult to keep TFM down to a manageable size. 1 MB of flash really doesn’t go that far these days.
Years ago I worked on the nRF52 series with the “old” SDK and felt I had much greater control. I understood the build system. Maybe I’m just grumpy and don’t like change…
I have a deep appreciation of these hardware topics -- the sheer ability to squeeze out extra performance and implement features at such a low-level with such little hardware, beyond the initial scope of its creators, really conveys a sense of elegance and planning that seems lost in our current world of brute-force methods
Author here -- thanks for posting! Happy to discuss Nordic chipsets, Wi-Fi support, etc. if anyone has any questions or follow up topics.
Thoughts on Zephyr? Especially wrt code size. I've heard all kinds of things regarding the requirement for it with Nordic chips
Not OP, but I’ve dabbled in nRF91 recently and found that once your application starts doing anything interesting (MCUboot, OTA, softSIM, etc.) the code size explodes. It is particularly difficult to keep TFM down to a manageable size. 1 MB of flash really doesn’t go that far these days.
Years ago I worked on the nRF52 series with the “old” SDK and felt I had much greater control. I understood the build system. Maybe I’m just grumpy and don’t like change…